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gmp_libmpz_hamdist Method
Return the hamming distance between the two operands.

Namespace:  Math.Gmp.Native
Assembly:  Math.Gmp.Native (in Math.Gmp.Native.dll) Version: (
public static mp_bitcnt_t mpz_hamdist(
	mpz_t op1,
	mpz_t op2


Type: Math.Gmp.Nativempz_t
The first operanf integer.
Type: Math.Gmp.Nativempz_t
The second operanf integer.

Return Value

Type: mp_bitcnt_t
The hamming distance between the two operands.

If op1 and op2 are both ≥ 0 or both < 0, return the hamming distance between the two operands, which is the number of bit positions where op1 and op2 have different bit values. If one operand is ≥ 0 and the other < 0 then the number of bits different is infinite, and the return value is the largest possible mp_bitcnt_t.

The function behaves as if twos complement arithmetic were used (although sign-magnitude is the actual implementation). The least significant bit is number 0.

// Create, initialize, and set the value of op1 to 63.
mpz_t op1 = new mpz_t();
gmp_lib.mpz_init_set_ui(op1, 63U);

// Create, initialize, and set the value of op2 to 70.
mpz_t op2 = new mpz_t();
gmp_lib.mpz_init_set_ui(op2, 70U);

// Assert that the Hamming distance between op1 and op2 is 5.
Assert.IsTrue(gmp_lib.mpz_hamdist(op1, op2) == 5U);

// Release unmanaged memory allocated for op1 and op2.
gmp_lib.mpz_clears(op1, op2, null);
See Also